Learn from the BEST (for FREE!!) if Beachbody Coaching is for YOU!

Becoming a Beachbody Coach
Hey there!  So as I was sitting on my back porch on this GORGEOUS Spring day, it hit me that I am dong EXACTLY what I want to be doing.  I am living my life the way that I want.  Throughout the day I was able to play outside and take a walk with my daughters, get my effective 30 minute workout in, check in with current challengers within my online challenge groups, respond to messages about joining future challenge groups, play some more with my girls, and even squeeze a blog post in there!  I am living the best of both worlds!  I am able to stay home and raise my daughters, take them on play dates, to preschool, and to visit family all while building a business from the comfort of my own home.  I have complete control over how many hours I put in to my business and even better, I get to wear what I want!  This year, I have traded in my "teacher clothes" for yoga pants, workout clothes, and even pajamas if I want!  If you would have told me a year ago that I would be helping people reach their health and fitness goals, I would have thought you were crazy!  On top of that, I get paid for being a positive role model! 

Beachbody Rewards for SuccessBeachbody is unlike any other company or "job" that I have come across. I am on a team that is ranked #1 in the company and am surrounded by positive, inspirational leaders who support and motivate each other.  NO ONE is left to fail.  Beachbody honors and respects their coaches.  The CEO of the company, Carl Daikeler, personally calls successful coaches!  We are even rewarded for our success in helping others.  In just one month, I was rewarded  with a fleece blanket, cooler, football, beach chair, and beach umbrella because of the amount of people that I was able to help in living a healthy life.  That doesn't include the Beachbody jump mat and weighted gloves that I received in March.  And should I mention that I have paid off 85% of my success club trip to Cancun that my husband and I will be taking next April?  
As a teacher, seeing others succeed, whether they be students or adults is extremely motivational and fulfilling to me. Words can not describe how excited I get when my challengers tell me about a small or big success they have had.  Anything from giving up soda/pop to wearing pants that haven't fit in two  years, to losing 15, 20, and even 25 pounds!  As people truly get healthy, self confidence builds and happiness arises.  I certainly can't take the credit for their success, but it makes me feel great that my advice and silly motivational tips have helped keep them on track.  Again, do I really get paid for this?!  It's almost too good to be true!  Just last weekend my husband and I decided to take a mini vacation to the beach.  I didn't have to worry about taking off days, planning for a substitute, or even where we would get the extra money.  Beachbody has allowed me the flexibility in my schedule and the extra income to do fun activities with my girls.  

So I ask, could this be a good fit for you?  I know being a Beachbody coach isn't for everyone.  I get it! But what if it IS for YOU?  How would it make you feel to help others reach their health and fitness goals all while you are reaching yours?  You don't have to have some fancy degree and you don't even have to be at your goal body.  You just have to have a heart and care about others and their success.

So, has my story sparked some interest in you?  Are you curious if this is something that YOU could not only do, but SUCCEED in?  You may not have a goal of doing something like this full time, but just want to help others all while earning a little extra "fluff" to your budget.  Are you curious as to what it takes, how to make money, and the commitment that is involved? 

I am personally inviting you to a FREE 5 Day Informational Coaching group beginning on Monday, May 12th.  Do you have 5 days?  How about 10 minutes each day?!  Starting on Monday you can log into an online closed group and hear from different top coaches on how they have made Beachbody work for their lives! You will be able to ask any and all questions that you have in order to see if this is a good fit for you! If you decide to move forward, we can chat about your business goals and I will help set you on a path to success!  After all, you will be a part of the #1 team in the company!  There is exclusive training for beginning coaches so that you are not figuring everything out on your own. If you decide this isn't a good fit for you, no big deal! There are NO strings attached!  No purchase is necessary and no investment is required to be a part of this group. 

If you are interested in joining the group, please send me a Friend Request on Facebook and message me to let me know you would like in! 

What is a Beachbody Coach?

If you feel that you would like to just move forward and get started by joining my team, please apply below and I will be in touch! 

Fill out my online form.
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