Insanity Max 30 - Week 1

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
It's here!!

I have successfully and officially completed Week 1 of Insanity Max 30!  Yay!!  It was tough, I am sore, but it is totally worth it!  I LOVE that I have my weekends off too!  For some reason, weekends are the most difficult time for me to get my workouts in so this schedule works out pretty well.  
I wanted to take some time to share my thoughts on Week 1, as well as write about more specific information pertaining to Insanity Max 30.

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
Insanity Max 30 No Time to Cook Guide

Ok so let's talk about nutrition first.  Did you know that 80% of your success when it comes to getting healthy and losing weight comes from nutrition?  You can work your butt off with these workouts but if you aren't controlling the food that is going in to your mouth then you are just wasting your time.  Insanity Max 30 comes with an AWESOME nutrition plan.  In fact, it is extremely similar to the 21 Day fix plan!  If you aren't familiar with how that plan works, let me explain.

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
Insanity Max 30 Food Portion Containers 
First, you decide whether you are to follow Plan A or Plan B in the Max 30 guide.  If you are under 150 pounds then you follow Plan A and if you are over 150 pounds you follow Plan B.  From there, it tells you how many of each food category you get.  If you  have the 21 Day Fix portion control containers (located on the left), then you can use them!  The Insanity Max 30 deluxe kit actually comes with them. If you don't have them; however, no big deal! The serving sizes are listed next to each food on the food lists anyways!

Once you figure out how many of each food category you get, you now get to check out the food lists.  Each color has it's own list and each food has the serving size.  For example, if you'd like to eat strawberries as one of your fruits for the day, it says you can have 1 cup. If you'd like a mix of strawberries and blueberries for variety, you can just fill one cup, or a purple container, with both.   It's pretty simple!  Oh, and I should mention that the foods on each list are listed in order of most nutritional value to least.   That part was really beneficial to me because I noticed that a lot of the foods I was eating ranked lower on the list than I would have thought.

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
Insanity Max 30 Meal
When it comes to eating healthy, lots of people seem to think it means going to the organic section and spending tons of money. It's not!  In fact, the foods that are listed in the Max 30 guide are totally normal foods that you can get at just about any grocery store, even Walmart!  Here is an example of a meal I  had this past week as my mid-morning snack.  I know, it's a big snack! I like to drink my Shakeology first thing for breakfast and then eat what would be considered a normal breakfast a few hours later.

* 4 Egg Whites (1/2 red container)
* Ezekiel Toast (1 yellow container)
* Grilled Red and Green Peppers (1 green container)
* Halo (1 purple container)

Aside from the food lists, there are all kinds of delicious looking breakfast,  lunch, dinner, snacks, and Shakeology recipes.  There is even a DIY omelet and salad bar section where the nutritional value/serving sizes of all kinds of foods are available as you plan it out.

Last but not least, there are a couple of sample meal plans, information on when you should or should not be adding /subtracting food, and of course, a food tracker.

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
No Time to Cook Guide
There is another little gem that comes with the program.  Does anyone out there enjoy eating out?  Do you ever plan something to make at home but at the last minute you end up sitting at a restaurant?  Or maybe some of you have those days where you just don't have time to cook due to kids activities or just being too busy!  There is this handy little No Time to Cook guide that comes with Insanity Max 30! It's even small enough to fit in my purse!  BONUS!  This book seriously has it all!  It's got 10 Tips for Eating Out that are simple to follow, a restaurant guide the tells you what you should try and what you should skip out on with pretty much all types of foods, and it even has information about the Do's and Don'ts of Fast Food!  Restaurants like Burger King, Chipotle, Convenience Stores, Panera, Subway, Starbucks, and more are located in this section.  There is a list under each restaurant with recommended foods and the nutritional values if you are in a pinch or plan to eat there.  Lastly, you will find some information on Frozen Meals.  It's no surprise to hear that those convenient processed frozen dinners aren't exactly the best choice; however, this book does outline the nutrition facts and gives recommendations for popular brans like Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, etc. If anything, this book is the PERFECT addition to my purse for when I am on the go and/or caught off guard.

Ok so here is my meal plan for this week following Plan A of the Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide. As you can see it is all normal foods that you AND your family can enjoy!  I am still incorporating Shakeology in to my daily plan as my breakfast.  A couple nights I even added a second shake in as an evening snack.  I love that I can use this to get my daily dose of nutrients!  

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide

How about we talk about the workouts next?! Can you say INSANE?!!  If I'm being honest, I'm not a huge fan of intense cardio workouts.  I was actually on the fence of even purchasing this program because I clearly remember when I did Insanity.  I decided that since each workout was only 30 minutes I would give it a try.  Much to my surprise, I LOVED it!  It definitely kicked my butt and yes, I was sore, but this has to be hands down the most motivational workout I've ever done!  It's about pushing yourself to YOUR Max.  You aren't competing with the others, you are competing with yourself. So what you do is push play and start the work out. You keep up with it for as long and hard as you can.  Once you can't take it any more, you "Max Out."  During that time you take a quick drink, catch your breath, and then jump back in!  It's OK to Max Out!  On the first workout I held strong until the 8 minute mark; however, in another workout I maxed out at 6 minutes 40 seconds!    I also love that there is a modifier track so that you can see the modifier at all times!   

Ok, let me outline the workouts for you:

*Monday: Cardio Challenge
This workout serves as your Fit Test and your introduction to the program. It is 30  minutes of hardcore cardio sequences.

*Tuesday: Tabata Power
Your strength training starts here with a traditional Tabata style "20 seconds on, 10 seconds off" workout structure.  It is plyometric-focused.  

*Wednesday: Sweat Intervals
This workout is 30 minutes of sweating, screaming, and calorie burning!  Enough said! 

*Thursday: Tabata Strength
You won't actually see this until half way through the month.  You will do Tabata Power twice a week for the first two weeks.  Once you do get to this, Shaun T takes it up a notch in this No Rest, Tabata style workout. Be prepared for lots of push ups, tricep push ups, and tricep dips!

*Friday: Friday Night Fight: Round 1
You prepare all week for this workout! This is just a super intense cardio, butt kicking workout!  It's mind over body while you push yourself to a new Max. 

*Saturday: Rest Day (optional - Pulse workout)
Pulse is a 20 minute recovery workout.  It is low impact with a combo of stretching and small "pulsing" movements. You will still be feeling the burn thought!

*Sundays: Rest Day
You will need this!!

**Ab: Attack:10
Shaun T threw in this additional ab workout if you want to take it to the next level. You can incorporate it after a couple other workouts or you can do it as you wish. It is a 10 minute routine that will get your abs feeling like they are on fire! 

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
Insanity Max 30 
So, there you have it!  This is what you can look forward to for the first week and first month of Insanity Max 30!  This program truly is about pushing yourself to your limits.  There are 150 new moves and there is a modifier for every workout.  There is no shame in using the modifier!  He/she takes the impact down pretty significantly; however, it's still a FABULOUS workout!!  

So, my question to you is, are YOU ready to Max Out?! 
Are you ready to dig deep and push yourself to get those incredible results that you've always wanted?  Don't do it alone! Having support, motivation, accountability, and guidance through the program will GREATLY help you get your questions answered and stick with it!  

Join my New Year New You challenge beginning on January 5th.  Get through the holidays and then get down to business!!  The Insanity Max 30 Challenge Pack is on promotion until the end of this month.  The price will increase in January, so, don't wait!  Save yourself some money now!

If you are interested in the program and/or joining my January Group, please fill out and submit the application below. I will be opening up spots on December 22nd!

Insanity Max 30, What is Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Results, Week 1 Insanity Max 30, Shaun T New Workout, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan
Insanity Max 30 Results

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