Why NOT You? Check out my 5 Day Open House

Good Evening!  Can you believe it is almost Mid-October already?!! Where is the time going?  I can't believe how many Christmas items are out in stores already! For some, the holidays bring on lots of STRESS!  Between social get-togethers, holiday shopping, planning, and of course, spending money, the stress can get to be too much!  I have to say, as a work from home mom, the stress of the holidays does tend to be a bit less (for me at least)!  I do have the luxury of creating my own schedule, being available for my girls holiday parties, and having the ability to get some things done that I wouldn't otherwise have if I were still teaching full time.  I love that I can do this without the financial stress of living on one income too.  Although I was confident in my ability to build a business, I was a bit nervous when I decided to resign from my teaching position.   Let's face it, anytime a family loses one full income things change a bit.  Fortunately, these changes didn't last long due to my decision to become a Beachbody Coach!  Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success when signing up so I knew that if I received the proper training and put some work in to it, that I WOULD be successful!  I have been able to fill that void of teaching and helping others that I was missing from my teaching job, and I am also still able to contribute an income to my family. It also helps that I am a part of the #1 team IN THE COMPANY!  Yep, you read that right!  

Becoming a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Free Group, Work from Home Opportunities, Is Beachbody a Scam, Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme, Successful Beachbody Coach, Lisa Decker, Successfully FitJust over 2 years later, here I am helping a team of MY Coaches achieve success.  We are Team Successfully Fit!  When I started Coaching I was so excited to get my own online accountability groups up and running. I couldn't wait to help others achieve their health and fitness goals.  Now, on top of that, I am able to help Coaches with their business goals! Between exclusive group training's, phone chats, online messages, email, Facebook groups, and even face to face meetings (for the locals), I am able to provide the support needed with each and every Coach that I have who is working the business. THAT excites to me too! 

We are a growing team of Coaches who are determined to succeed in helping others. We are moms of both kids and/or fur babies, teachers, nurses, fitness instructors, and more!  Some of us work full time jobs along with Coaching, others work part-time jobs, and some of us, like myself, fit in Coaching when we don't have our mommy hats on :)   We have such a wide range of professions, span across 3 countries and 4 times zones, and even have different personalities!  Whew!  We do have one main thing in common though, we are in this business to help others succeed!  

Becoming a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Free Group, Work from Home Opportunities, Is Beachbody a Scam, Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme, Successful Beachbody Coach, Lisa Decker, Successfully Fit

I am writing this blog post to invite YOU to a 5 Day Sneak Peek in to what Beachbody Coaching is all about! DON'T WORRY!  It's 100% FREE and there are NO strings attached! You don't even need to sign up for purchase a thing.  The only stipulation is that you are not already actively working with a Coach.  

So, WHY is this a FREE opportunity?  Simple...because I want you to see if it is a good fit for you BEFORE you sign up.  I want you to get REAL information (because we all know that while Google seems like a lifeline to loads of information, it isn't always accurate) and I want you to get your questions answered.  Hear first hand how the company works, the perks, the time needed, requirements, how you make money, etc.   This group will run through a closed online Facebook group so only the members can see what is being post.  Don't have a Facebook account? No worries! I can email you the posts daily! 

 What do you think?  Are you curious?  Is your gut telling you that maybe you'd like to see what this is all about?  Do you want to see if it is a good fit for you before you make any decisions to sign up?  Join me on MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH!  The group will last 5 days and I will post in the group daily. All you have to do is check in when you get some time, read the posts (5-10 minutes a day MAX) and ask any questions that you have! 

What happens if you decide to sign up? 
When a new coach joins my team one of the first things we chat about is where exactly you want to go with your business.  Coaches on my team range from simply being a discount coach (no coaching, just reaping the benefit of the discount, hobby coach (coaching here and there and coaching through my groups that I run), and a full on working coach (building a business, going through the training's).  For my business building coaches, I offer an exclusive self-paced Coach Training Academy.  It is designed to last 30 days; however, because you can work at your own pace, it can last as short or long as you make it!  The thing about Coaching is that I follow YOUR pace!  I will match the effort and time that YOU put in.  I don't pressure my Coaches and I work with the willing!  

Becoming a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Free Group, Work from Home Opportunities, Is Beachbody a Scam, Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme, Successful Beachbody Coach, Lisa Decker, Successfully Fit

Becoming a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Free Group, Work from Home Opportunities, Is Beachbody a Scam, Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme, Successful Beachbody Coach, Lisa Decker, Successfully Fit
When the going gets tough, do you ever sit back and think about your "WHY?" WHY do you get up in the morning and do what you do? WHY do you have the job that you have? What goals do you have that support that reason WHY? MY Why is off to the left. đŸ’• I decided to take a risk because of these two. I decided to treat my job as more than a hobby or something that I HAD to do because of these two. I put my main amount of work in during late night hours because of these two. I get up early because of these two! Everything that I do eventually comes back to them and I couldn't be happier! So, when you are feeling down, when you haven't yet reached those goals that you intended, or when you are ready to throw in the towel and give up on them, do a little reflection and think back to your WHY.

If you would like to be a part of my 5 Day Sneak Peek group, please fill out and submit the application below! Once I receive it I will get you added to the closed group! 

For a quicker approach, click on the following link and "Join"!  I will send you a message to verify and then add you in there!

Becoming a Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach, Beachbody Coach Free Group, Work from Home Opportunities, Is Beachbody a Scam, Is Beachbody a Pyramid Scheme, Successful Beachbody Coach, Lisa Decker, Successfully Fit

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the
Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on
his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

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