Happy Monday! It's time to start a new week and soon enough, we will be starting a new month! It's crazy how time flies!

So, I'm going to keep this blog post somewhat short and sweet. If you follow me, then it's no surprise to you to hear me talk and post about how becoming a Beachbody Coach has changed my life, and my outlook on life. I know, you might be rolling your eyes right now. I know that's what I was doing over 3 years ago when I would read posts from other Coaches saying the same thing. I mean, come on. A Beachbody Coach? What the heck do they do? Isn't that a pyramid scheme? It's not a "real job." There is no way I could ever make that work for me.
Yep, those were the thoughts going through MY mind before opening up my eyes a bit wider. You see, I sometimes think that the title "Beachbody Coach" can be misleading. Do we all really have beach bodies? Is that a goal in life? Yes, I even questioned the title! Believe me, while I did kind of jump in with two feet, I was also a HUGE skeptic. In fact, I spent MONTHS researching this job before finally talking with my personal Coach about it.
Something that I DIDN'T have or come across in my research was a general free group to learn about what Coaching REALLY was. We all know we can't believe everything we read on the Internet so having a small group to learn some of the details was something that I would definitely have taken advantage of.
That brings me to what I have to offer to you today! And that is.... a 3 DAY VIRTUAL GLIMPSE into what exactly Beachbody Coaching is! Yes, this is all done online. Actually, it's through a closed Facebook group but don't worry, if you don't have Facebook I can send you the posts each day via email.
3 Day Beachbody Coaching Sneak Peek |
What's in it for you?
Information, more information, and even more information! Sorry, I'm a detailed person so laying it all out upfront is something that I like to do. Beginning tomorrow (TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th) I will be posting within my closed Facebook group all about those ins and outs of being a Coach. Yes, you will hear some success stories. Yes, you will hear about the logistics of how you make money, how you earn monthly rewards, and even yearly {amazing} trips! And yes, I am going to tackle those misconceptions that everyone has.
What's the catch?
Honestly, there is no catch! This group is 100% free! You don't have to make a commitment, sign up for anything, purchase anything, or make any sort of obligation. You simply take about 5-10 minutes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to check out the handful of posts that I will be posting throughout each day, and you ask questions when needed.
---> I do want to note that this group is only for those who are not already working with a Beachbody Coach or for those who are already Coaches themselves. <---
And now I ask....WHY NOT YOU?!!

as an MLM consultant we get a bad rap and I can't disagree that there are consultants out
there who may be taking a wrong approach. I can't disagree that there
are even companies that aren't so great! There are also people who go
to work each morning and don't do a good job. There are even non MLM
companies out there that aren't real great either! But when it comes
down to it, we are people who are taking a non-traditional approach to a
career. We are people who are putting hard work in to being an
entrepreneur, building a business from our homes for whatever reasons we
have. We are people who are sharing products that we personally LOVE!
We have goals. We have dreams. We have vision.
If you have products that you love, why NOT share
them with others? I've recently posted a few times about how becoming a
Beachbody Coach has truly changed my approach at life. It has changed
my views / opinions on a lot of things! By sharing products that I love
and by feeding my passion of helping others get healthy, I am able to
have that flexible schedule, extra time with my kids, and income to
contribute to my family.
If Coaching is something that
intrigues you...If it's something that you are open to learning
about...If it's something that scares you, but at the same time gives
you that desirable feeling, then I invite YOU to my 3 day sneak peek
into what Coaching is all about.

You just have to have an open mind to learn
about the opportunity. If you'd like to be added to the closed group,
send me a message or click HERE to join! Before accepting you in I will be sending you a quick message to confirm that you are not already working with a Coach.
We begin
on Tuesday September 27th!!
If you know that Coaching is something you'd like to jump in to, feel free to fill out the application below and I will be in touch! I am kicking off my 15 day October Rock the Basics Group on Monday, October 10th. This is a group for new Coaches where I help guide / mentor and provide exclusive training to get your business up and running!
Remember, if it doesn't CHALLENGE YOU, it won't CHANGE YOU!