Healthy Tips for AFTER the Holidays! |
Happy Wednesday! January is in full swing and routines are finally getting back to normal! I don't know about you, but I NEED a schedule! Can it be flexible? Sure! But as long as a plan is in place I feel like I can function! SO, now that I am back to blogging, today I have a VERY important topic to discuss! The topic is.....GETTING BACK ON TRACK AFTER THE HOLIDAYS!
Ok fess up.....did you over indulge? I will admit, I may have had a bit too many cookies and boy am I feeling it! After eating healthy about 90% of the time, indulging in some treats can really do a number on my body. By January 2nd I was feeling bloated, sluggish, and tired. I was also craving the sugar! Yikes! So for the past 3 days I have been really focused on getting myself back on track and detoxing from that sugar overload the past two weeks! If you are in need of some advice on how I recommend getting your body back on track, check out my 8 tips below!!
1. Don't beat yourself up! ✓
- Listen, it happens! You plan to have one cookie and it turns in to 5. You plan to have 1 drink and it turns in to two or three. Sometimes our willpower gets the best of us. Quite frankly, the holidays are over, the decisions were made, and there is no going back! From here, we are moving forward. So, get over the fact that you may have gained a couple of pounds and instead get focused on how you are going to drop those and maybe even some more!
2. Get back to a routine! ✓
- Hopefully you have started back to work and/or your kids have returned to school so that you can get back in to your routine. I find that when I have impromptu plans or am just overly busy with non-routine tasks my body gets all out of wack! On a similar note, when I have TOO MUCH down time to "relax" I end up getting lazy. So, if you aren't back to your normal schedule yet, then I recommend easing your way in. Go to bed at your normal time each night, get a good rest, and get up ready to attack the day!
3. Start Eating on a Schedule! ✓
- You can gain so much more energy and overall good quality feeling when your body is on an eating schedule. Consuming your meals and snacks around the same times each day will also keep your metabolism up. I try to space my meals out about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. You don't want to pig out on junk food all day so I recommend having a plan in place before the day begins. Pack your lunch, pack some snacks, and have whatever food prepped that you can. The more prepared you are, the better off you will be. If you really want to spice things up, try making one new recipe per week!
4. Stay Hydrated! ✓
- Water is VITAL to our bodies! If you don't care for plain water, add some fruit to it! Lemons, grapes, strawberries, cucumbers, or mint works perfect! You should aim to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces per day. This particularly helps with those hunger cravings that you may be getting. A lot of times our bodies confuse thirst for hunger so before you eat a snack that you maybe shouldn't necessarily be hungry for yet, try drinking a glass of water first!
5. Exercise! ✓
- Yep, I said it!! Are you surprised? Getting about 30 minutes of exercise in per day is another VITAL need for our bodies. It doesn't have to be a super intense workouts. It could be a short job, a walk, something at the gym, a home fitness program, etc. Just get up and get moving!! The benefits of exercising GREATLY outweigh cons!
6. Dump the extra food! ✓
- I don't like to be wasteful, but when it comes to junk in the house I honestly don't mind! Finishing the Christmas cookies or a bag of chips just because you don't want to waste them is crazy to me! If you still have the holiday treats in your house, it's time to get rid of them! In most cases I throw junk away, other options include taking it to work, sending it with your spouse to work, etc. If you shouldn't eat it then why feed it to your family?!
7. Set Your Goals! ✓
- I've been talking a lot about goal setting lately. It's that time of year where everyone talks about what they want to accomplish for the New Year! You need to make sure your health and fitness goals are realistic and that they aren't too easy or too hard. If you know that drinking enough water every day is not as issue for you, then don't make it a goal! If you make a goal of wanting to lose 10 pounds in January yet you aren't going to exercise or eat healthy, then it's pointless! Your goals need to be measurable, attainable, and also give you that push to step out of your comfort zone in order to reach.
8. Get some support! ✓
- We all could use a little support and accountability in reaching our goals. There is nothing wrong with getting help! Having someone to talk to about your goals and even bounce ideas off of can be wonderful. There is nothing more motivating than someone right there with you cheering you on! Putting your goals in writing and making your goals known to others will give you that added accountability in reaching them. As a Coach, I help my customers reach their goals on a monthly basis! Those small daily improvements really make for great long term success. If you'd like support with those health and fitness goals, then I am inviting you to my January Lean in 2017 accountability group! It begins on January 23rd with a planning and prep week! I will help you set realistic goals and get on a path to reach them! Fill out the application below for more details!
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