Mondays.... you either love them or you hate them, right? I have to admit, I used to get that pit in my stomach by Sunday evenings because I absolutely dreaded Mondays. I always felt like it was the start to a new, forever long, week. I feel quite the opposite now. I no longer dread the start of a new week, I actually look forward to it! I am a firm believer that if you truly love what you do then you never feel like you have to "work." One of my goals today was to sit down and write a blog post since it's been a little while.
When I sat down to think of a topic, it dawned on me that it's been quite some time since I've posted about the Coaching opportunity, where I'm at, and where it could take YOU. I go through many conversations each month helping others figure out whether or not Coaching would be a good fit and almost every single conversation involves the same series of questions. I figured I'd address them right here and offer you an opportunity to learn more, for free of course, this week!
A little background on me....
I am a former elementary teacher of 8 years. I have a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and am also certified to teach middle school mathematics. Prior to having children there was no doubt in my mind that I would end my career at a retirement age in the classroom. When my girls came along my feelings started to make a shift. Like any new mom leaving my first born (and eventually both of my girls) with a baby sitter who got to see them almost as much, if not more, than I did left me with tons of guilt. MANY parents deal with that feeling and it's not fun. Between the guilt and administrative changes with my job, I simply wasn't happy. For about one year I spent a ton of time researching different jobs that I could get with my degree but nothing ever came about. Most dinner time topics revolved around me complaining, which we all know doesn't make for a great environment. Fast-forward to my 8th year of teaching. It was Spring time, I finally joined the Facebook community, and I kept seeing a college friend of mine post about working out, eating healthy, being happy, and working from home designing her life with a flexible schedule to raise her kids. Every time I saw her post it spoke to me more and more but I will admit, I gave the eye roll several times. But, in the back of my mind I kept thinking...why can't I do that? After a few discussions with my husband, I had a phone conversation with my friend about Beachbody Coaching and her monthly accountability groups. I figured it wouldn't hurt to learn a bit more about being a healthier "me" and dropping a few pounds so I thought.....why not?! I guess you could say it was a bit of an impulse decision but I had that gut feeling that this was a good choice. I immediately signed up as a Coach, joined an accountability group, and took some time making myself a priority. With a 1 and 3 year old at home, I can't say it was easy. Getting more strict with my nutrition and incorporating daily workouts in to my already crazy schedule took time and adjusting. I was about a month in to my 60 day group when I realized that I could take the leadership role in a group and teach others the same way I was being taught. After all, teaching was (and is) my background!
So, while I was on my own journey, I decided to go ahead and get my business started too.
* I had ZERO social media background.
* I am generally a quiet person.
* I was certainly not a salesperson.
* I really didn't have the time to start up my own business.
* Teachable
* Driven
* Passionate
* Motivated

As a Coach, especially when I first started my business, I wasn't at my "goal body." Heck I still have goals I am working towards! I don't have a fitness competition body and I struggle with willpower as much as many others! I'm a normal mom with little time to spare! But what I do, as Coach and as a mom, is be a positive, inspiring influence on anyone who follows and watches me. Sure, I may get eye rolls but guess what, that's ok! Was it awkward to start sharing my journey for everyone to see on social media? As a pretty private person, you bet it was! When it came down to it; however, I really wanted people to see what I was doing, how I was doing it, and hopefully get some to join me so that I could share my tips that were working for me!

Like others, I found (and still find) meal planning and cooking to be a bit of a pain. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm not an incredible cook; but, I know the old me will come right out if I don't stick with it. The old me used to wonder each day what in the world to eat. More often than not I had a stash of frozen processed skillet meals in the freezer. One of the first changes I made was to incorporate Shakeology in to my daily diet. I knew darn well that I wasn't getting nearly the amount of vitamins and minerals that I should be getting. Having something convenient yet healthy with two little ones needing my attention sounded perfect to me. To this day, I almost NEVER miss a day!
My point in sharing these first two pieces of information is to show that I am a product of the product. The way I started to incorporate that in to my Coaching business was the simple process of SHARING it. It's really not easier said than done! People are ALWAYS looking for something to try that will help them lose weight and/or get "healthy." The easiest thing I did, and do, as a Coach is share my journey and my tips along the way!

Personal Development. Yes, I'll say it. I looked at personal development as something "silly" to do. It was for people who didn't have their life together. That wasn't me, right? WRONG! I can't tell you how much personal development has helped me through the years. I always have some sort of podcast, book, or Youtube video that I am reading / watching. Whether it be PD on confidence, growing as a leader, or running a business, there is an endless amount! I have recently incorporated personal development in to my online accountability groups and have been getting great feedback!

The daily actions that are helping me grow as an individual, as a mother, and as a wife are all incorporated in to my business. Rather than doing these tasks silently; however, I am sharing with others what I do. If it weren't for my personal Coach sharing HER experiences, I most likely wouldn't even be where I am at today, which is being able to create my life by design rather than have a job that controls my life.
Throughout the past 3 1/2 years I have formed friendships that mean the world to me. I have met other women who have that similar drive and passion that I do and rather than being competitors, we ENCOURAGE each other! We all come from different backgrounds. Some are teachers, some are in the medical field, others are in the corporate world while a handful are stay at home / work from home moms of little ones. One thing we all have in common is our passion and drive to help others.
Because I have made the step to publicly share my health and fitness journey (the ups and the downs) as well as continually help others do the same, I have been able to give my family more of ME. I am more present. I am happier. I am able to provide income and have even earned three Caribbean trips to take my husband on! BONUS!
Like any other job, there are definitely those good and bad days. On those bad days, I always encourage people to think of their "why." For me, my "why" is in the picture to the left. My husband and I have very strong feelings about wanting to provide and be the best parents as we possibly can. I want to be there to drop them off and pick them up from school. I want to be able to drop what I am doing with minimal inconvenience if something comes up. I want to be able to take them on trips and let them experience the freedom that is possible. And because of that, I got the courage to try something unconventional if it meant giving me the life I was wanting.

Time is of the essence. We all have busy schedules but when it comes down to it, you make time for things that are important to you. When I started Coaching I had no clue how I was going to make it work. I had 2 babies at home, I was already exhausted and free time was non existent. It was an accomplishment to get my workout in! What happened to me was a mindset shift. I had to re prioritize my day, eliminate things like watching mindless TV in the evenings, scrolling Facebook for an hour and yes, I did sacrifice a little sleep. At the beginning, before my kids started going to preschool, I focused on a solid "power hour" each night where I went through different trainings, listened to some calls, and completed the tasks that I needed to do in order to get my business up and running. It took determination, discipline, and time management. Was it, and is it, worth it? Absolutely! Making changes and new priorities in life isn't always easy but once you get in to the groove, it becomes a new habit.

Now that you have a little "inside look" of some aspects of my business, I'd like to offer you an opportunity to learn more! On Wednesday, March 1st I am running a 3 day virtual glimpse in to what Coaching is all about. I will cover topics like:
* Do you have to be at your "goal body?"
* Do you need to be a nutritionist?
* How do you make money?
*What is an online accountability group?
* How much time is required?
and more!
3 Day Virtual Glimpse into Beachbody Coaching |
If you are interested in this event, please email me at or fill out / submit the application below. The only criteria is that you are not already actively working with a Beachbody Coach.
This event is 100% FREE! You do not have to sign up or purchase anything. I run these free events so that you can see if Coaching would be a good fit for you and your family. I also like to get all of your questions answered up front so that your decision can be made as easy as possible!
You never know what the future holds if you don't take the chances to learn and try new things.
Disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income
from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends
on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.