Happy Tuesday!! It's been a while since I've given an update on my 22 Minute Hard Corps journey. I'm still at it and actually, I just started Week 7 yesterday!! Due to some sicknesses I had to have a redo of Week 6. Believe it or not, I am still LOVING the program!! It kinda has the best of both worlds. It's got a GREAT nutrition plan using the color coded portion control containers, and then it has these awesome short, yet effective, workouts that will leave you feeling good, healthy, and energized to take on the day! Seriously, this program is PERFECT for moms and for those who have a super busy schedule.
22 Minute Hard Corps Meal Planning
So, let me give you a nutrition update. Truth be told, I was struggling a bit. I've been working late hours (aka not getting enough sleep), munching a bit more in the evenings, and skipping some snacks here and there. Can you relate? Sometimes we get so busy with our day that we forget to eat, right? Then, when you DO eat you feel like you could eat your entire house LOL. So, with the combination of all of those factors, my energy was lacking a bit and I even gained a couple of pounds. SO, I had to recommit myself to getting on track and focusing on my health. You know what? It happens. We go in and out of those cycles. We really can't be perfect 100% of the time. Something that I tell my challengers is that what matters is that we recognize our faults/struggles, we pick ourselves back up, and we get ourselves back on track. So, with Week 7 of Hard Corps, I have my meal plan in place, I have food prepped in my fridge, and I am CRUSHING it! I honestly think that a lot has to do with my accountability groups. No, I'm not tooting my own horn LOL. What I am saying is that when I check in with my groups and see their dedication, sweaty selfies, and read about how they passed up a treat at work, it gives ME motivation too!!
I shared this quote the other day and got a GREAT response from it. It may be a bit harsh, but it is the truth. If you haven't reached whatever goal(s) YOU have, what's holding you back? Is it an excuse?
So what exactly am I doing to get myself back on track? For starters, I am setting a bed time! I've been running on low steam lately due to a variety of reasons and that needs to stop. Getting enough sleep is just as important to staying healthy as exercising and eating healthy. Lack of sleep is even a contributor to weight gain!
I am also focusing more on my nutrition and MAKING THE TIME to prep my foods. Check out some of the meals I've been eating below! Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring! In fact, it's far from that! It's rejuvenating, fulfilling, and it leaves you feeling much more energized!
Some of my favorite meals I'm been having include Shakeology, salads with veggies, strawberries with balsamic, chicken stir fry, and veggie omelets with whole grain/sprouted toast! Having healthy foods in your fridge and pantry will limit you to ONLY EATING HEALTHY FOODS!!
Healthy Salad
22 Minute Hard Corps Meal Prep
Chicken Stir Fry
Veggie Omelet
Here is a glimpse at a couple of meal plans I've been following as well! Life always throws obstacles at us so yes, there are times when I have to switch a meal or snack here and there. There are times when we decide last minute to go out to eat, and there are times when I just don't feel like eating what I have planned. BUT, I HAVE A PLAN and if I find myself hitting those obstacles, I mind my portions and do the best that I can! Simple as that!
22 Minute Hard Corps Meal Plan
22 Minute Hard Corps Meal Plan
How are those workouts coming? Actually, they are GREAT! Like I said above, these workouts are perfect for those with busy schedules and especially for those who workout with young kids at home. SHORT and EFFECTIVE. That's EXACTLY what I am looking for in a workout. I don't feel like I am dying at the end but I do feel like I get a GREAT sweat and calorie burn in! I love that this program combines traditional cardio with resistance training, which again, is the best of both worlds. And in case you are wondering, there IS a modifier in this program so don't think it is too hard for you!
Throughout the past few weeks I've added in the additional Core workout. There are two Core workouts in this program. Core 1 is roughly 8-9 minutes long and Core 2 is about 11-12 minutes long. You have the option to do them on Cardio days. I try to throw them in every day. Sometimes I do them with my regular workout and other times I just do them when I have 10 minutes to spare. I love doing workouts that target my core because I'm still looking for those abs to appear. With this program, I think that just may happen! My abs are BURNING after I do them, which is a good thing! Below is a sneak peek of Core 2.
22 Minute Hard Corps has literally taken your "I'm busy" excuse and tossed it out the window. Seriously, 22 MINUTE EFFECTIVE WORKOUTS!!! You really can't beat that!! That's less than a TV show! That's less than the time people spend scrolling Facebook! That's less than it probably even takes you to get ready in the morning! I used to use that time excuse in the past. I blamed everything including my kids for not having the time to work out. I don't do that anymore. I stopped doing that a while ago but I occasionally pulled that excuse out of my back pocket. I can proudly say that I haven't said that or used that excuse AT ALL on this journey. Sure, I may re arrange my rest days based on my schedule, but I am sticking to the program!!!
To read more about the specific workouts and details of the program, click HERE!
With Spring here, the temperatures finally starting to climb, and Summer right around the corner, it's a great time to start focusing on YOU. Confidence is the best accessory you can wear! So, why wait?
22 Minute Hard Corps Workouts
I will be starting my May Meltdown Challenge on May 16th. Yes, that's a few weeks away but don't worry, I can help you get a good start before then with 1:1 support. Be stronger than your excuses. Know that we are ALL busy and that I understand how tough it can be to get on that healthy track. It's with consistent support, motivation, and accountability that YOU too can make it happen.
My groups are for those who are not already actively working with a Beachbody Coach. I am going to be opening up the spots for this group and am looking for 10 women to help get on track and love the skin they are in.
If you don't think 22 Minute Hard Corps is a good fit for you, no worries! There are PLENTY of awesome programs and I can help you choose based on YOUR criteria.
So, what do you say? Are YOU in? Fill out and submit the application below!!! Who will be the first one to grab and secure their spot?!!