22 Minute Hard Corps Weeks 2 & 3 are in the bag! As expected, I am still LOVING the program! The past two weeks I have added in a new Core and Resistance workout and WHEW! That's about all I have to say!
I am really liking this bootcamp style workout. The moves are simple, effective, and by the end, they leave you dripping in sweat!
22 Minute Hard Corps Sandbag
I have to say, I can really get used to this 22 minute thing. As a busy mom who is constantly on the go, squeezing in 22 minutes isn't that tough!! You don't need a lot of equipment and in fact, you don't need a ton of space to do the workouts either. My "gym" aka the kitchen, does the trick perfectly! I hang my resistance bands right on my laundry room door, I have my weights / sandbag / mat in the middle of the floor, and of course, I stream my workouts through Beachbody on Demand! Simple as that! It takes me about 60 seconds to set up and take down / put away! For March, the sandbag comes with the Hard Corps challenge pack and beyond that, you can get it separately if you want. I have found it to be helpful because I like to use 8 pound weights for some of the workouts and I have my sandbag filled to about 11 pounds for other moves. I also love that there is a modifier in the workouts. I can't seem to get push ups mastered for more than about 10 reps! I truly feel that this would be a good workout for a beginner as well as someone who is more advanced. There is a range of difficulty that the moves can be done and that includes the short Core workouts too!
22 Minute Hard Corps Equipment
As for results, I am definitely seeing them! I actually don't weigh myself much but I am feeling a difference in my clothes and I am getting more definition specifically in my core and arms. I've done quite a few Beachbody programs and while I love them all for different reasons, I feel that this program has been the most effective in terms of trying to get those abs to make their appearance!
Sneak Peek Workout of Resistance 2
As for nutrition, I will admit, Easter weekend threw me off a bit. I've been on track for the most part and I have rebounded from some poor weekend choices just fine! Below you will see my meal plans that I followed for the second and third week of the program. Like everyone else, birthday parties, day trips, and holidays get in the way of our normal routine. SO, it's important to plan ahead so that you can be prepared as best as possible!
Week 2
22 Minute Hard Corp Meal Plan
Week 3
22 Minute Hard Corp Meal Plan
I do have some constants that I use daily, which I have talked about before. I drink Energize from the Beachbody Performance line to give me that boost of energy to really burn extra calories and push harder through my workouts. I also drink Shakeology daily. Shakeology is a nutritional shake that provides me with my daily dose of nutrients, which I honestly would not otherwise get. I personally drink the chocolate flavor and add 1/2 banana, ice, water, and a splash of unsweetened almond milk. And yes, I do eat at least 4 other meals that consists of actual chew-able food throughout the day too!
Chocolate Shakeology
I also tried a couple of new recipes throughout the past two weeks. I obviously got a good deal on strawberries :) Both of the recipes were a hit for both me and my family so they will definitely be added to the breakfast and dinner rotation list.
Overall, things are going great here! I can definitely see myself repeating another round of this program after this first round is complete! For my other weekly reviews click on the links below:
If you are looking for support and would like to join in on one of my online accountability groups, I am starting my Spring into Fitness group on Monday, April 11th! I will be running it through a closed Facebook group so only the members of the group can see what is being posted. I can help you choose which Beachbody fitness program would best meet your needs and we also replace one meal per day with Shakeology for the duration of the group. If you are not already actively working with a Coach, then I invite you to give it a try! Challenge Groups are what made me fall in love with Coaching! I love meeting new people and seeing how their confidence grows and how many friendships are formed throughout the groups that I run.
Spring Health and Fitness Online Accountability Group
If you are interested in more information on my group or any Beachbody products / programs, please fill out the application below and I will be in touch within 24 hours!!
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