Insanity Max 30 Week 2

Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30, Tabata Workout,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups
Insanity Max 30 Week 2

So I officially completed Week 2 of Insanity Max 30!  Yay!!  I have to say, the soreness has died down just a bit but I am still feeling it!  I am proud to say that I did increase my Max Out time with every workout!  The Week 2 workouts are the same as Week 1. As I go in to Week 3, I will be replacing a Tabata Power workout with Tabata Strength.  I had a sneak peek of this workout already and it's a killer on your triceps!  

Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30, Tabata Workout,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups
I Maxed Out!
So I've been asked a lot about what the actual workouts look like.  I decided to do a couple of short videos to show you!  The first is another Tabata Power clip.  I think that's my favorite workout so far.  I love that I can incorporate my daily exercise from the comfort of my own home. I don't have to worry about child care or better yet, going out in the cold!  A HUGE benefit is that my girls are actually watching me live a healthy life.  I had no part of what my daughter was doing in the video below.  Every now and then I pull out my big stability ball and do some ab exercises which is what must have given her the idea.  It makes me so happy that she wants to be active and try out some moves too! If you are a busy mom, you can do this too!  My girls were 1 and 3 when I first started with incorporating home exercises into my day. They are now 3 and 4. At first, of course, they wanted to crawl all over me. Me exercising was definitely not something they were used to seeing! It took a few times for them to understand that while I exercise they can join in with me, play a game, rest, eat a snack, etc.  This is why I, for the most part, stick with 30 minute workouts. Taking care of my kids is not an excuse to not workout.  I am confident that they will be just fine if I take 30 minutes to myself while they are right in the same room as me! 

If you've read my Week 1 post, then you may know that Insanity  Max 30 is a 5 day per week workout.  Saturday and Sunday are rest days.  With that, there is an optional weekend workout called Pulse, as well as a 10 minute Ab Attack workout.  Ab Attack can be incorporated any day of the week.  I took advantage of my two day rest last weekend due to some super sore muscles so I decided that this weekend I would give these two workouts a try.  Pulse was a great workout because there was a lot of stretching type moves.  It didn't feel like a waste of a workout though. I still worked up a sweat and felt the burn in my legs.  
Ab Attack is only 10 minutes.  You can do anything for 10 minutes, right?!  Let me just start by saying that I Maxed Out at 45 seconds!  Yes, you are reading that right.  I didn't even make it a full minute before having to take a rest!!  Yikes!  This is a hardcore ab workout that I know without a doubt will leave me with the core ab muscles that I have been aiming for!  Below is a short clip of one of the moves.  I was a little nervous going in to this workout because I know many of Shaun T's ab moves tend to have tuck jumps or just a lot of jumping in general.  I was happy to see that this workout mainly consisted of floor exercises that were EXTREMELY effective! Seriously, my abs hurt to cough!  

Ok let's talk nutrition!  As you know, this is a pretty big holiday week.  LOTS of temptations are EVERYWHERE!  As a result, meal planning is super important.  As much of a pain as it may seem, I guarantee it will help you stay on track if you do it! So, this week I am sticking to my basics.  I'm  not trying anything new and I'm leaving a little room to indulge in a treat or two on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  What I am focusing on this week is making sure I get my daily workouts in, stick to my meal plan, and fight the willpower!  
Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30, Tabata Workout,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, 21 Day Fix Meal Plan
Insanity Max 30 M
Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30, Tabata Workout,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix Meal PlanSo, you may be thinking, how in the world are you going to fight those temptations?!! Easy!  Shakeology of course! I seriously can not say enough about how much Shakeology has helped me with my nutrition.  First of all, I don't drink shakes all day, contrary to what some people may believe.  You can see in my meal plan above that I eat completely normal foods all day long!  I drink my Shakeology as my breakfast because I really feel like it gets me going in the mornings.  It curbs my cravings and satisfies my sweet tooth right off the bat, not to mention the natural energy it provides.  While I typically stick with my usual chocolate banana shake, I like that I can mix it up (especially at this time of year) with a Peanut Butter Cup, Almond Joy, and Snickers recipe.  I've been drinking it for about 18 or so months and not one time have I thought to myself "I"m sick of this,"  In fact, this is what I look forward to every single morning when I wake up!
Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30, Tabata Workout,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide, 21 Day Fix LunchDuring Week 2, I did try a couple of new dinners that have since been added to my dinner rotation list.  Before I share those, I also wanted to share with you a typical meal that is both 21 Day Fix and Insanity Max 30 approved.  I have to say, I am a creature of habit and like to stick with my Greek Yogurt and fruit lunch; however, since beginning this program, I've been a little hungrier!  So, the other day I decided to ditch my yogurt and make myself a salad.  I didn't have any chicken for my protein, so, I added a little cottage cheese to go with it!  This lunch was more than fulfilling and hit the sport perfectly.  I'm sharing this because a lot of people seem to think that I am always "on a diet" when in fact, this is just my lifestyle.  I eat normal foods, correct portion sizes, and cut out / watch the junk!  It's really as simple as that.  And THAT'S what I teach people in my online accountability groups. 

So, the first dinner that I tried was last Monday.  This came from the Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide; however, I did add a little flare to it. It is called Baked Cumin Chicken.  It was really good and I've learned that next time I will make a little extra so that I can use the meat in a salad the next day!
Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide, Baked Cumin Chicken
Baked Cumin  Chicken

The second recipe I tried, also from the Max 30 Nutrition Guide, was Citrus Grilled Steak. I paired it with delicious Sweet Potato Fries. While I do tend to make steak about every other week, I usually stick with the same southwestern seasoning.  This was a nice marinade that I definitely plan on using again.
Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide, Citrus Grilled Steak
Citrus Grilled Steak

So, I think that about covers Week 2 of Insanity Max 30! I have not taken any updated measurements in terms of inches lost; however, I have lost 3 pounds so far!  I love that this intense workout can be easily incorporated into my daily routine and I also love the simple nutrition plan that anyone can follow.  It really does pay off to eat healthy and exercise!  

Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide

If you are thinking that Insanity Max 30 is a program that you may be interested in giving a try, let me help you!  Beginning on January 5, 2015, I am kicking off my New Year New You accountability group.  Through the group I will be providing you with support, motivation, and accountability to help get you through and stay on track with those New Year Resolutions!  The small online (closed Facebook) group provides support, motivation, accountability, and more in order to help you form those new healthy habits! While I am loving Max 30 right now, ANY Beachbody challenge pack program can be used in the January 5th group.  

So, why  not try now?  Every year thousands of people waste money on a gym membership that they only end up using for a month.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to a gym, but if you know you aren't going to have or make the time to drive there, why bother? Do yourself a favor and invest in something that you can do from the comfort of your home. Something that will give you FABULOUS results and will provide you with a clear cut nutrition plan in order to reach YOUR goals.  

If you would like more information or would like to reserve your spot now, please fill out and submit the application below.  Please NOTE: I must be your Team Beachbody Coach in order for you to be able to join a group. 

Week 2 Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30,  2015 online Health and Fitness  Groups, Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Guide, 21 Day Fix, Online Fitness Support, 2015 New Year New You Challenge Groups
2015 Health and Fitness Accountability 

Have a WONDERFUL holiday week and a very Merry Christmas! 

I hope to hear from you soon! 

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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