Week 1 PiYo Meal Planning, Tips, and More!

What is PiYo?, PiYo
PiYO Set!
Happy Sunday!! I have officially started my PiYo journey!  I have to be honest, I was a little nervous before trying the first official workout because I am not used to slowing things down while working out.  Between T25, P90X3, and 21 Day Fix (which have been my latest workouts), I certainly was not in a PiYo zone as far as burning calories and building strength.  I used to be a pretty flexible person, but I could certainly use some tuning up.  I'm a week in to PiYO and know that this is a perfect summer program!  I've learned a lot already and have even come up with some beginner tips for those of you who have just started your journey as well!

So, how did Week 1 of PiYO go?  Let me tell you...

I am going to start with the breakdown of workouts that I completed this week.
PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups
PiYo is Here!

PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups
PiYO moves

PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups
PiYo Upper Body

And that completes Week 1 PiYO Workouts! 
PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups
PiYO is here!

Now that the workouts are out of the way, what about the nutrition plan?  

PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo GroupsEvery Beachbody Workout comes with some sort of nutrition/eating plan but the 21 Day Fix is really the only program that I truly followed (eating plan wise).  I have adopted a clean eating lifestyle so when I would get a new nutrition program, I would just check out the recipes and snacks to see what new additions I could make to my weekly meal plans. I read through the PiYO Eating Plan and WOW!  It is simple and fantastic!  The good news is that it (in my opinion) really reflects a lot of the 21 Day Fix plan.  Oh course, it doesn't come with the containers and isn't broken down in to as many parts, but for the most part, the calorie range and recommended servings are right on!

So the first thing you do is figure out your calorie range using the formula provided.  Since my number came out below 1200, I am suppose to round up to the 1200-1399 calorie range.  Eating less than 1200 within a day is not healthy or recommended.  In fact, it can hinder your results rather than help!

Also, these numbers are approximate.  They are not something to stress over.  As long as you are eating healthy foods and staying within 200 calories of your target range, then you will see results.

Since I will be following the 1200-1399 calorie range that means I get:
4 Servings of Primary Vegetables
2 Servings of Secondary Vegetables and Grains
PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups, Shakeology2 Servings Fresh Fruit
4 Servings of Lean Protein
3 Servings of Healthy Fats

Not sure what foods fall in to each category? No worries!  There is a list of foods for each category in the Get Lean Eating Plan Book! In addition, Shakeology is implemented right in to the plan!
 Why not incorporate a nutritional shake that will provide you with your daily dose of nutrients, aside from increased energy, curbed cravings, and more?!

My Week 1 PiYO Meal Plan is posted below!

PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups, PiYo Meal Plan
PiYo Week 1 Meal Plan
As I said above, throughout my first week of PiYO, I've learned a lot!  Each day I was picking out different aspects of the workouts that I really loved and started writing them down! So, here they are!
PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups
PiYo, What is PiYo?  Exclusive PiYo Groups

I encourage you to follow my 60 day PiYO journey through my Facebook page and right here on my blog!

I will be starting a brand new EXCLUSIVE PiYO test group on Monday, July 7th and am accepting applications now!!  If you would like more information, or would like to join, please fill out the application below and I will respond within 24 hours.  Who is going to be a part of my first test group to get awesome RESULTS?!! 

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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