Country Heat Week 3 Review

What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Country Heat Week 3
Happy Friday!!  Not only am I happy that it's Friday, but I'm THRILLED that it is also September!!  I LOVE the Fall season so bring on the cooler temps, leaves, and pumpkins!  I'm also happy to be starting fresh with a new month.  To me, a new month means it's time to set new goals.  I have completed week 3 of Country Heat and am currently going through the final week.  I can not say enough about how much fun this program is!  It truly is cardio dancing to Country Music! I love how each week the moves get a little bit quicker and the sweat just continues to pour.  Week 3 is no different!

In week 3 you add the final new workout called Trail Ride.  I'm pretty sure that I have decided that this is my FAVORITE workout of the program! It really amps things up and the moves are fun too! Even my daughter loved it!

The playlist for Trail Ride includes:
What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Country Heat with Kids

I've posted a couple of videos and pictures with my girls and this workout because this is really a program that you can do with your entire family. The moves are not strenuous, there are no weights (or any equipment for that matter), and it's fun!!  Even if the little ones can't get the moves right, they still have a good time doing it!  I always tell parents of young kids to just press play with their kiddo in the room.  Sure, the first several times you may get interruptions, they may get in the way, you may need to pause here and there.  But what happens is THEY GET USED TO IT and then they even join in with you!  There is NO excuse to use your kids as the reason why you couldn't do this program.

Here is your sneak peek of our favorite workout, Trail Ride!

The other workouts within Week 3 are ones that have already been completed within the first 2 weeks. It's a nice mix and the main reason why I like the set up is because you can really push yourself in week 3. You know the workouts (other than Trail Ride), you know the moves, there is nothing else new, and that means you can pull your knees up higher, squeeze your core tighter, or just push yourself to get an even better workout! 

What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Meal Planning

Now, about that nutrition.....

I've been doing pretty well with my nutrition.  I take time every single weekend to plan out my week which includes both my main meals and snacks.  I've had the occasional cheats here and there which most likely have derailed my progress a bit, but I have been back on track these past few days and have no plans to overindulge this weekend! Here's the thing...and I say this all of the time.... You can dance your little heart out. You can workout until the sweat is just POURING off of you. But if you don't control what goes in to your mouth then you will NOT get the intended results!!  If you are eating a small bowl of ice cream every night (justifying it because it's a "small" bowl), you are only hurting your results. This is all under the assumption that you want to lose weight and tone up.  

What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Chocolate Shakeology
I am of course sticking to my daily shakeology, which I look forward to every single morning.  Lately I've even thrown in a second shake one or two times a week to help with those darn sweet cravings. Shakeology has been a life saver for me! Aside from the pure convenience,  it helps me get my daily nutrients in, which I wasn't otherwise getting in the past.  It DOES make a difference!  But the biggest benefit I feel is the overall healthy energy I get.  As a busy mom of young daughters I need all of the energy I can get! 

So here you can see my week 3 meal plan that I followed.  Yes, it takes time to do this but it is absolutely worth it! It's nice to not have to think throughout the day "what should we have for dinner?"  And it's great to have my snacks prepped and ready to go! 

What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Country Heat Meal Plan
One of my favorite morning snacks if I am tired of having my eggs is oatmeal!  Seriously, I never thought I would say that.  Since I was little, sugary cereal has been my go-to every morning until I started drinking Shakeology!  Yep, that terrible habit lasted through most of my 20's!  Below you can see a delicious looking bowl of oatmeal (Old Fashioned Oats) with strawberries, blueberries, and even a tsp of some all natural peanut butter! 
What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Oatmeal Recipes
I also tried a new recipe that came straight out of the Country Heat Eating Plan.  It is called Turkey and Sweet Potato Hash.  It obviously made my blog which means it was delicious! 
What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,
Country Heat Recipes

So there you have it!  My Week 3 Review is complete!  Overall I am still loving the program!  You can't beat waking up to dance in the morning as your workout!  

For past reviews on this program check out the links below:
What is Country Heat?
Week 1 Review
Week 2 Review
Week 4 (final) Review  

Are you interested in Country Heat or even a home fitness program that comes with my support, motivation, and accountability?  Would you like to try out one of my monthly accountability groups and allow me and the support of the others in the group help you get that healthy lifestyle transformation that you are wanting?  Check out the application below to apply for my next group!  I can squeeze you in to my Beachbody Health bet group (pending your interests) or you can hold off until September 19th!  We will begin with a planning week so nothing needs to be prepared ahead of time!  

Fill out the application below and I will be in touch!! Don't put off your health.  YOU matter and YOU are important too! 

What is Country Heat, Country Heat, Dance Cardio, Dance Workout, Meal Planning, Country Heat Meal Plan, Country Heat Results, Country Heat Week 3, Family Workouts, Successfully Fit, Lisa Decker,

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